قسم جراحة الطوارئ

قسم جراحة الطوارئ

The division of Trauma Surgery is a very important area in the treatment of patients with severe trauma including major organ injuries from traffic accident, fall, or weapons and extensive physical injuries, and plays a pivotal role in the Trauma Center. 

The division of Trauma Surgery in Chonnam National University Hospital, which is equipped with constant 24-hour medical service system, not only contributes the recovery of patients with trauma by providing professional medical services and treatments in close cooperation with related departments necessary for treatment of patients with multiple trauma, but also plays a leading role in the treatment of patients with severe trauma in Honam region. Also, it is designated as a training hospital for trauma specialized physicians and trying to foster physicians for trauma surgery. 

In the future, we will try our best in continuous research and constant efforts to help patients return to their home and workplace and commit themselves to their lives. 

Outside activities
1) SOS(The Symposium of Severe Traumatic Injuries in Gwangju)
It was successfully held twice in 2010 and 2011 with invitation of distinguished internal and external speakers.
2) Formula 1 Korea Grand Prix
The trauma center team of Chonnam National University Hospital was in charge of medical center supports 3 times during 2010~2012.

Outpatient: 062)220-6468,6488 
Staff Office: 062)220-6456
Fax: 062)227-1635


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