قسم الكلى

قسم الكلى

The division of nephrology includes investigators in three areas of research.

Prof. Ki Chul Choi studies normal and abnormal fluid and electrolyte physiology in kidney. Basic research performed in the renal hormones (ex, RAS, natriuretic peptide family, nitric oxide, etc) has been extended into clinical areas involving diabetic nephropathy and chronic renal failure.

Prof. Nam Ho Kim focuses on chronic renal failure and diabetic nephropathy. Basic research performs studies on pathogenesis of chronic renal failure and diabetic nephropathy. Recently, he interest in signal transaction of diabetic nephropathy with many renal cells, pathogenesis of progressive renal disease and many glomerular disease.

Prof. Soo Wan Kim studies aspects of renal function related to extracellular fluid volume and blood pressure homeostasis, particularly as it related to normal and abnormal water and sodium transporter function. Basic research performed in the sodium transporters(ex, NHE3, TSC, BSC, ENaC, etc) and the aquaporins has been extended into clinical areas involving obstructive uropathy, tubulointerstitial disease, and many other clinical important pathologic states.


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