
قسم جراحة الكبد و البنكرياس

The Division of Hepaticobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery offers an education on patients requiring hepaticobiliary and pancreatic 
surgery. Areas of expertise include surgical problems of liver, bile duct, and and pancreatic disease, laparoscopic surgery and 
.liver transplantation. 

Our specialty is pancreato-biliary surgery ranging from conservative laparoscopic surgery to hepatectomy of cancer and extensive pancreatoduodenectomy. Research activity is focused on the study for molecular genetics in the development and progression of hepatobiliary and pancreatic carcinomas and the role of various factors on the regeneration of liver and pancreas after resection. 

In addition, liver support and liver transplantation are the main research navy bs of our division. We have been studying animal liver transplantation and liver regeneration. Our future research topics are hepatocyte culture and the role of growth factor and its receptor in the liver

الى الخلف

42شارعجايبونغ-دونغغو-مدينة كوانغجو، كوريا الجنوبية، 757-501 الهاتف : +82-62-220-6016، الفاكس : +82-62-220-6564
2015 © مستشفى جامعة تشونْنام الوطنية. جميع الحقوق ﻣﺤﻔﻮﻇﺔ \