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Triplets were born at Chonnam National University Hospital on the first day of the new year

Writing out : 국제메디컬센터 / 2023-01-02 00:00

On the first day of the New Year in 2023, the year of the black rabbit, triplets were born on time in Gwangju. The children of Kim Mi-jin are Kim Seo-joon, Seo-ah (female), and Seo-jin. These children were born in the operating room of Chonnam National University Hospital at 00:00 on January 1.

Triplet's mother, Ms. Kim stated, "I had an in vitro operation owing to a difficult pregnancy, but I never imagined it would result in triplets."
She further stated, "I was hospitalized for more than a month at the obstetrics and gynecology department of Chonnam National University Hospital due to the risk of premature birth. I am so glad and excited to give birth on New Year's Day in good health."

According to Chonnam National University Hospital (President Ahn Young-keun), Ms. Kim gave birth to triplets via cesarean section at 00:00 on January 1 in the delivery room with Kim Yun-ha, the director of the High-Risk Maternal and Newborn Integrated Treatment Center, as the attending physician. Kim, a high-risk mother who was treated with uterine contraction inhibitors for preterm labor, was able to deliver at 34 weeks and 1 day, the treatment goal. The infants were born weighing 1880g, 1900g, and 1890g, respectively, and were moved via incubator to the neonatal intensive care unit shortly after birth.

The director of the center, Kim Yun-ha, noted, "With the assistance of obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, and anesthesia professionals, the triplets were born a little early, but their health is completely normal. As they were born on the first day of the new year, I wish for their future happiness and good health.”
Ms. Kim became pregnant with triplets through an in vitro procedure in May of last year. In September of the same year, a rupture of the amniotic fluid was detected, and she was hospitalized under the care of director Kim Yun-ha. Even after that, her physical state remained poor, and she was hospitalized for a total of 49 days until she gave birth.
