

About Dept. of Urology
The Department of Urology is responsible for diagnosing and treating diseases of the kidneys where urine is made and the bladder where it is stored as well as the ureter and urethra that act as passageways for urine, in addition to the diseases of the adrenal glands and diseases affecting the male reproduction system, which includes the testes, vas deferens, prostate and penis.
Congenital disorders of the urinary system, urinary tract infection (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, prostatitis, epididymitis), urinary tract stones, enlarged prostate, urinary system tumors (bladder cancer, kidney cancer, prostate cancer), female urinary incontinence, kidney transplant, urinary disorders (neurogenic bladder, enuresis), male infertility, and sexual dysfunction are common diseases treated by the department.


Telephone Guide :   foreign 062-220-6718 

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