Colorectal Surgery

Colorectal Surgery

About Dept. of Colorectal Surgery
The Department of Colorectal Surgery consists of 3 clinics: Colorectal Cancer Clinic, Anal Disorder Clinic, and Anal Trauma Clinic. The Colorectal Cancer Clinic specializes in diagnosing and treating colon cancer and rectal cancer, the prevalence of which has surged in recent years. The Anal Disorders Clinic provides diagnosis and treatment of benign anal disorders such as hemorrhoid, anal fistula, anal fissure, and proctoptosis based on anorectal ultrasound, anorectal manometry, defecography. As for the Anal Trauma Clinic, treatments for perineal laceration with anal sphincter injury during delivery and for anorectal injury by trauma are provided.


Outpatient: 062)220-6488
Staff Office: 062)220-6456
Fax: 062)227-1635

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